Canberra Invites 285 Applicants in the Latest Canberra Matrix Draw

Canberra Invites 285 Applicants in the Latest Canberra Matrix Draw

Canberra Invites 285 Applicants in the Latest Canberra Matrix Draw just had its first draw on September 15, 2023, using the Canberra Matrix invitation round. In this draw, they gave out a total of 285 invitations to different people. These invitations went to both folks from other countries who want to come to Australia and folks who already live in Canberra.

Out of these invitations, 173 were given to people who are not currently in Australia. The remaining 112 invitations were given to folks who already live in Canberra and are eligible to apply for nominations in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Now, let’s talk about the types of visas these people were applying for. There are two main types: Subclass 491 and Subclass 190. Out of the 285 invitations, 187 went to Subclass 491 applicants, and the other 98 invitations went to Subclass 190 applicants.

Canberra residents

In the selection process for different visa categories, a matrix system is used to determine who gets invited to apply. Let’s break down the numbers for a clearer picture.

For Small Business Owners, there were 190 nominations, and out of those, 4 received invitations. To even be considered, these nominees needed a minimum matrix score of 100. Similarly, in another category, with 491 nominations, only 2 were invited, and the minimum matrix score required here was 75.

Now, shifting our focus to 457 and 482 visa holders, a total of 190 nominations led to 1 invitation. The same goes for the 491 category, where 1 invitation was issued based on nominations.

When it comes to Critical Skill Occupations, things get a bit more competitive. For 190 nominations, a substantial 50 invitations were sent out. In the 491 category, an even larger number of 54 invitations were extended.

Now, for overseas applicants in the Critical Skill Occupations category, with 190 nominations, 43 individuals received invitations. But in the 491 category for the same occupation, a whopping 130 invitations were sent out. This suggests that there’s a high demand for people with critical skills in this field among overseas applicants.

So, in a nutshell, these numbers reflect the competitiveness and criteria for invitations in various visa categories.

In the 2023-2024 allocation of ACT nomination places, there are two main types of visas in play: the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa and the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa. Each of these visa categories is allocated 600 places.

Now, let’s take a look at the application count as of September 18, 2023. There have been a total of 564 approvals. Among these, 324 are for the subclass 190 nominations, while the remaining 240 are for the subclass 491 nominations.

However, it’s important to note that not all applications were successful. There were 95 applications that were refused. Of these refusals, 37 were for the subclass 190 nominations, accounting for 8% of all 190 nominations. On the other hand, the subclass 491 nominations had a higher refusal rate, with 58 applications being refused, which is approximately 29% of all 491 nominations.

Now, let’s look at what’s left in the allocation for the rest of the 2023-2024 period. There are still a total of 636 nomination places available, which translates to approximately 71 places per month.

Breaking it down further, for subclass 190 nominations, there are 277 places remaining, with an allocation of around 31 places per month. As for subclass 491 nominations, there are 359 places remaining, with an allocation of approximately 40 places per month. These numbers represent the ongoing availability for the respective visa categories in the coming months.

Who Can Submit a Submission?

Canberra is inviting individuals who have applied for two specific types of visas: the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) and the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491). Here’s a breakdown of the current situation for these visa nominations:

For the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190), there are a total of 277 nominations available. These nominations are distributed on a monthly basis, with 31 nominations being granted each month.

For the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491), there are a total of 359 nominations available. These nominations are also distributed monthly, with 40 nominations being granted each month.

So, if you’ve applied for either of these visas, you might be in luck if you receive an invitation from Canberra, depending on the availability of nominations in your desired category.

Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

The Skilled Nominated Visa, known as subclass 190, is your ticket to becoming a permanent resident in Australia. To get this visa, a State or Territory government needs to put your name forward, and then the Department of Home Affairs gives you the green light.

Now, here’s the deal with this visa. If the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) chooses you for a 190 visa, you have to live and work in Canberra for at least two years after you get it. This rule sticks whether you were already in Canberra or you just moved there from somewhere else.

But that’s not the only option. If you’re a skilled worker, you can also go for the Skilled Regional Work Visa, also known as subclass 491. With this one, you can live and work in regional Australia for up to five years. To snag this visa, you need a state or territory to back you up, and the Department of Home Affairs has to give you the thumbs up.

But wait, there’s more. If the ACT nominates you for a 491 visa, the same two-year commitment in Canberra applies. It doesn’t matter if you’re a local or if you’re coming from outside Australia; you’ve got to stay and work in Canberra for two years at least.

The ACT nomination process involves several steps to help you apply for a visa. Let’s break it down for you.

Step 1: Eligibility Check

Before anything else, make sure you meet the requirements for ACT nomination. This is the first box to check.

Step 2: Express Interest

Next, you need to show your interest by filling out the Canberra Matrix. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m interested in this.”

Step 3: Selection and Ranking

Now, you wait for your Matrix to be chosen and ranked. It’s a bit like standing in line; your turn will come.

Step 4: Nomination Form Submission

If you’re selected, you’ll need to submit an ACT nomination form. This is like the official paperwork.

Step 5: Evaluation

Your application is then carefully reviewed to see if you qualify.

Step 6: Visa Application

Finally, if you get nominated by ACT, you can apply for the visa you’re interested in.

Now, let’s talk about how to submit the Canberra Matrix, which is a crucial part of this process.

Step 1: Check Eligibility

First, make sure you meet the specific requirements for the Matrix points. It’s like making sure you have all the right ingredients before cooking.

Step 2: Personal Details

Provide your personal information, so they know who you are.

Step 3: Visa Selection

Choose between two types of visas: ACT 190 or ACT 491.

Step 4: Canberra Residency

Tell them whether you live in Canberra or not.

Step 5: Doctorate Streamlined Nomination

If you’re going for a Doctorate Streamlined nomination, indicate that and answer accordingly.

Step 6: Submission

If you said yes to Doctorate Streamlined, submit the matrix.

Step 7: Matrix Completion

Complete the Canberra Matrix, selecting the right category from the drop-down box. Make sure your evidence matches the claims you’re making as of the submission date.

Once you’ve submitted the Matrix, you’ll get an email summarizing your claimed Matrix Score. It’s like getting a receipt to confirm everything.

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